AISER Implant System is the result of in-depth research aimed at solving the daily problems doctors have to face in the practice.
Our research and development section cooperates with professionals, universities and institutions worldwide.
AISER products have been analysed by the laboratories of l’Université de Genève, Politecnico di Milano, Helsingfors Universitet di Helsinki and Università Vanvitelli di Napoli.

Our goal is to deliver cutting-edge technologies to achieve the best biological results, for you to give your patients the best treatment possible.
Titanium and Titanium alloy surfaces modification for the improvement of biocompatibility, osteoinductivity and osteoconductivity performances.
Plasma sputtering surface deposition of anti-microbial layers.
Bone substitutes in bone regenerative surgery.
Design and chemical composition of prosthetic parts in the enhancement of biocompatibility, mucointegration properties and overall stability of mucosal tissue.
Design of conometric implant-prosthesis pairing at 30 N torque.