Swiss Quality at its Peak


The highest levels of primary stability and a perfect, early osseointegration.


Osteoblastic proliferation*

*Results on day 7 comparing the AISER BYD surface with a gold standard SLA surface


Successful Operations


Life-time warranty

Biosyn-D Surface modification

Biosyn-D, Swiss precision in biotechnologies, is the exclusive, cutting-edge surface treatment of AISER Implants, which guarantees a perfect level of osseointegration and secondary stability.

Research and Clinical Trials

AISER Implant System is the result of in-depth research aimed at solving the daily problems doctors have to face in the practice.

Swiss Quality

Quality checks ranges from optical and mechanical controls of the pieces dimensions and conometric pairing properties, to EDSx spectroscopy and SEM imaging in a cleanroom to assess surface’s topography, chemical characteristics and pollution.

Our products

Implant System

High primary stability

Conometric Link

Conometric Reliability




Everything you need for the insertion of AISER Implants and their prosthesis with AISER components Conometric Link System.


AISER dental implants are meant to last for a lifetime

AISER dental implants are designed to last forever.

Guaranteed for life.


We work to contribute consistently to scientific research


Secondary Stability

The stability of the implant is a decisive element in achieving a successful process of osseointegration...

Professional’s role

Implant therapy is an efficient treatment and shows a considerable success rate...

Stem cells and miRNA

The innovation in the field of osteo-regeneration and maxillofacial surgery: mesenchymal stem cells...

Implant Primary Stability

An appropriate pre-operative assessment of the bone is of paramount importance to direct the choice of the surgical technique…


MTIC Intercert
SPS Intercert
ISO 9001 - ISO 13485

Compared to implant systems I have been using in over 30 years of implant and prosthetic practice, I can assure that this system shines for its simplicity, completeness and reliability. The different types of implants with sturdy or soft edges, adapt perfectly both to the type IV compact mandible on the Misch classification and the more trabecular and softer upper jawbone. After 3-6 months, X-rays show the excellent osseo-integration capability of these implants. Ultimately, AISER implant-prosthetic system is a valid and excellent tool for daily use, at the implantologist and prosthetist’s disposal, for the resolution of every clinical case.

S. Diana
University of Genoa, Italy

AISER Implant System ensure sensational simplicity and an excellent reliability in the prosthetic phase of every implant rehabilitation. Thanks to the astounding prosthetic components, Imprint procedures are quick, accurate and aesthetic prosthetic artifacts, which integrate perfectly to soft tissues and the oral cavity.

AISER implants demonstrated their high performances in terms of osseo-integration, even when applied to low-quality bones. This system gives me the chance to offer personalised and high-quality solutions and guarantee patients to restore both single dental elements and complete dental archs.

R. Rizzi
Milan, Italy

From a prosthetic point of view, I was amazed by the precision and the simplicity in the insertion of MUAs to AISER Implants;
consequently, the remarkable precision in imprint data transmission to the lab.
The wide variety of components, adapted for each possible clinical case, even the most complex and esthetic, allows to adopt various solutions in the prosthetic filed with the highest rate of customisation and excellent results.

A. Poggi
Milan, Italy

AISER Dental Implants are really a marvel of technological innovation.

It is absolutely possible to use them with every type of bone and in every rehabilitation case, both with single elements or complete archs.

A. Leechback
Zurich, Switzerland

AISER Implant System is one of the most modern and complete implant-prosthetic system available on the market. It uses to their fullest the best and most tested features that an implant can display, both from a surgical and a prosthetic point of view. It propps up the entire array of prosthetic solutions for both the single intervention and the whole arch, going through every type of overdenture. The variety of fixture diameters allows the implant system to be applied to any bone thickness parameter, even in the most extreme case of atrophy.

The hexagonal internal connection facilitates the coupling of prosthetic components, working with the All-or-None Law, and guarantees to possible mistakes when screwing. Moreover, the internal hexagons tend not to unscrew because of length of partitions. The frictional conical connection of the implant and the abutment reduces the risk of unscrewing of the prosthetic screw, improves resistance to fracture when under slant load. I believe that AISER technology represents the gold standard of modern implantology and predictable for immediate loading.

E. Baldisserri
Milan, Italy

In addition to the innovative zygomatic implant Ceos, AISER Implant System includes two lines of implants: Tytan, specific for D1 and D2 bones and Themys, for D3 and D4 bones.
Both display a straight outline but diverge in the shape of the coil.
The implant kit provides an array of calibrated drills with close diameters, in order to give surgeons, the choice, for each implant size, to prepare different types of osteotomies, which represents a valuable advantage in terms of versatility.

G. P. Vismara
Bergamo, Italy

I am specialized in dental prosthetics and, with AISER Implant System, I can use abutments even on 45°-slanted implants. This allows me to give back their smile to even more patients, when compared to past solutions which could not go over 30°.

R. Kensley
NYC, United States

As a surgeon who deals with challenging cases intensively, I am very happy to have discovered a brand that will meet my every need.
The surgical kit is not complicated, the drills are sharp and the drill-implant compatibility is perfect.
The availability of 6-22 mm implant length options and the fact that all prosthetic parts, including the zygoma implant, are compatible with each other provide extraordinary convenience.
Its suitability for immediate implantation and immediate loading accelerates clinical functioning and reduces waiting time. It eliminates the need for extra surgery with 45 degree or higher angled multi abutment options in bones where it is not possible to place implants at a suitable angle.

Sevgi Ozan
Antalya, Türkiye
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